Australian mental health prize finalists

Seven finalists have been selected for the 2019 Australian Mental Health Prize.

The prize, now in its fourth year, recognises Australians who have made outstanding contributions to the promotion of mental health or the prevention and treatment of mental illness.

This year’s winner will be announced at a mental health forum and award ceremony at UNSW Sydney on  November 6, 2019.

Ita Buttrose, Chair of the Australian Mental Health Prize Advisory Group said: “The prize shines a bright light on the selfless work of this year’s finalists who are making a positive difference in so many areas. They all deserve to be recognised and admired.”

Seven finalists

Connie Boglis, Reservoir, Victoria

Connie Boglis actively serves on national committees for Beyond Blue’s Way Back Support Service program and the Department of Veterans Affairs Open Arms Peer Mentor program.

Christine Morgan, Lane Cove, NSW

Christine Morgan is CEO of the National Mental Health Commission with responsibility to bring together the 2030 Vision for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention and associated system reform for Australia.

Sue Murray, Balmain, NSW

Sue Murray is currently Managing Director of the Zero Suicide Institute of Australasia, advocating for improved management of suicidality within healthcare systems.

Professor Gordon Parker, Northwood, Randwick, NSW

Professor Gordon Parker founded the Black Dog Institute and is currently Scientia Professor of Psychiatry, UNSW Sydney.

Donna Stanley, Orange, NSW

Donna Stanley, a Gunggari Umby, is a  experienced leader in Aboriginal mental health.

Tony Walker, Newport, Doncaster, Victoria

Associate Professor Tony Walker ASM is the CEO of Ambulance Victoria and a registered paramedic with almost 34 years’ experience as a clinician, researcher and leader within the ambulance sector in Victoria.

Joseph Williams, Dubbo, NSW

Joe Williams is a Wiradjuri, First Nations man born in Cowra, NSW who assists people with mental illness through his foundation The Enemy Within and his autobiography titled ‘Defying the Enemy Within’.



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