PSA and PSS renewed MOU to continue delivering services to profession

The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) and the Pharmacists’ Support Service (PSS) have renewed the Memorandum of Understanding, announced during PSA’s National Conference PSA24 in Sydney.

PSA National President Associate Professor Fei Sim FPS welcomed the renewed partnership, commending the PSS for their continued support of the profession.


“PSA is proud to continue our long-term support for the vital work of the Pharmacists’ Support Service to ensure that pharmacists have mental health resources available when they need them.

“We are immensely proud of the impact that the entire PSS team have on our profession, lending a listening ear to any pharmacist, pharmacy student or intern who may need it. It is with this support that we can provide the best care to our own patients.”


PSS President Curtis Ruhnau MPS thanked PSA for their support.


“We value the support of PSA for our work. PSS is about pharmacists supporting pharmacists and this is reflected by PSA, which represents the breadth of the pharmacy profession, supporting PSS.


“This support extends beyond the commitment to an annual donation, and includes collaboration to ensure pharmacists are aware of PSS and to convey key messages about the importance of pharmacists focusing on their own wellbeing, in order to practice to the top of their scope and meet the needs of the Australian community.”




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