10-minute assessment that could be a lifesaver

Marking National Stroke Week (8-14 August) Blooms The Chemist is encouraging all Australians to assess their stroke risk and be aware of the warning signs.

One way to do this is by completing a 10-minute Stroke Risk Assessment, offered by Blooms The Chemist that can help to understand the warning signs of stroke and minimise the risk.

“The process is simple with the pharmacist measuring the patient’s blood pressure and asking a series of lifestyle, family history and age-related questions to assess the overall risk of a stroke,” says Melanie Moses, Blooms The Chemist pharmacy owner, underscoring the importance of early intervention in minimising that risk.

“We have seen people of all ages and all walks of life experience a stroke, which is why we are urging all Australians to spare the time to undergo a quick assessment,” she says.

“This is also an essential part of our commitment to providing our community with exceptional healthcare services.”

Blooms The Chemist wants to educate and remind Australians of the most common signs of a stroke by thinking F.A.S.T:

  • Face: check their face, has their mouth drooped?
  • Arms: can they lift both arms?
  • Speech: is their speech slurred? Do they understand you?
  • Time: time is critical. If you see any of these signs call 000 straight away.

“If people have a greater understanding and identify the early signs of a stroke and seek immediate medical attention, this could be lifesaving or significantly change the trajectory of its impact,” says Ms Moses.

Most strokes are preventable because they are associated with lifestyle-related risk factors. However, there are some risk factors that you cannot do anything about, such as family, history, age, gender, and ethnic background.

“We simply say to our customers that if you are unsure of your risks of experiencing a stroke, please come into your local Blooms The Chemist pharmacy or talk to your GP,” says Ms Moses.

“A conversation and a deeper understanding of the potential causes may reduce the chances of having a stroke.”

Blooms The Chemist offers a free Stroke Risk Assessment that takes less than 10 minutes and is an initial step toward stroke risk prevention.

After that consultation, if there are any concerns the patient will be asked to visit the local GP immediately.

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