Naloxone is safe, easy to use, and can save a life

As part of Queensland Mental Health Week, the Pharmacy Guild of Australia (Queensland Branch) and the Queensland Mental Health Commission are raising public awareness about the national Take Home Naloxone program and encouraging local pharmacies and community members to take part.

Naloxone can rapidly reverse the effects of opioid overdose and is available as a nasal spray and an injectable. The national Take Home Naloxone program aims to increase access to this potentially life-saving medicine by making it available for free without a prescription through community pharmacies across Australia.

The program provides individuals, families, friends, and community members with the ability to respond quickly to opioid overdose and potentially save a life.

Registered pharmacist Emily Turkovic is passionate about increasing the awareness of Take Home Naloxone having lost her brother, Isaac to an accidental overdose three years ago. Ms Turkovic said that there are still major misconceptions in the community about opioid emergencies and a lack of awareness of naloxone and that it can be accessed for free.

Pharmacist Emily Turkovic, “My brother lost his life to an accidental overdose. If there was access to Take Home Naloxone he may be here today. Every Australian has the potential to save someone’s life, it could be your friend, neighbour, a stranger or even your brother.”

“One life lost to a reversible opioid emergency is one too many.”

“Let’s help break the stigma of opioid overdoses by educating patients that it can happen to anyone, at any time and that having access to Naloxone can help save lives.”

Queensland Mental Health Commission, Commissioner, Ivan Frkovic, “Think of naloxone like an EpiPen, it is lifesaving, take Home Naloxone is an essential tool in preventing overdose in Queensland.

“Overdose prevention is a priority for the Queensland Mental Health Commission.

“We’re happy to see many pharmacies already registered to supply Take Home Naloxone and encourage community members to speak with their local pharmacy about access.”

Community members can find pharmacies and organisations that registered to supply Take Home Naloxone here:

To become an approved provider of Take Home Naloxone, pharmacies can register via the Pharmacy Programs Administrator Portal – Pharmacy Programs Administrator – Home




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