The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) has welcomed the re-election of the Western Australian Government, commending its continued commitment to expanding pharmacists’ role in delivering accessible healthcare.
PSA Western Australia President Kristian Ray MPS says the Cook Government’s support for pharmacist-led care will improve timely access to treatment and ease pressure on the broader health system.
“The West Australian Government has demonstrated a clear commitment to enhancing the role of pharmacists as frontline healthcare professionals, ensuring that Western Australians can access essential care when and where they need it,” says Mr Ray.
Mr Ray highlights the expanded scope of practice pilot as a key investment in pharmacist-led primary healthcare, allowing pharmacists to take on greater prescribing and treatment responsibilities.
“We particularly note the Government’s ongoing support for pharmacist prescribing initiatives, including treatment for uncomplicated urinary tract infections, resupply of oral contraceptives, and expanding pharmacists’ vaccination scope,” he says.
“These initiatives recognise the vital role pharmacists play in delivering timely and accessible care, particularly for rural and regional communities where access to GPs can be challenging.”
Mr Ray says the PSA looks forward to working closely with the WA Government in ensuring pharmacists receive the training, resources and recognition needed to deliver these essential services safely and effectively.
“We continue to advocate for the sustainable integration of pharmacists into the wider health system, ensuring patients can access the right level of care when and where they need it,” he says.