‘A force in cardiology’: Adam Livori wins the 2024 AdPha Medal of Merit

Advanced Pharmacy Australia (AdPha) today awarded Adam Livori FANZCAP (Research, Cardiol.) the 2024 AdPha Medal of Merit for his significant contributions to the organisation and his broad portfolio of work centred on medication use, and equity of access, in cardiology patients.

Presenting the award on Friday afternoon at Medicines Management 2024, AdPha President Tom Simpson FANZCAP (Lead&Mgmt) says Adam’s focus in open-source science and transparency of statistical methodology is pioneering better cardiovascular care in regional and rural Australia.
‘Adam’s work towards improving outcomes for patients post heart attack is nothing short of
prolific; with five national and international publications under his belt, published and cited in numerous academic papers and featured in newspapers and radio, Adam is a true force in cardiology.
‘He is helping to shape policy through his involvement with the Australian Cardiovascular Alliance, while his work has led to collaborations with the Victorian Heart Institute and the University of Western Australia.
‘Adam is now acting as chief investigator with a third Medical Research Future Fund grant to build reproducible economic evaluation models for use in heart failure and atrial fibrillation care – an important project seeking to address gaps in cardiac care by exploring pharmacist models of care.’

Mr Simpson says Adam’s noted achievements are ‘extraordinary’, having been
accomplished in just the last three years.’As chair of the AdPha Cardiology Leadership Committee, Adam revamped education offerings through
his involvement in 13 seminars, completed research on novel anticoagulents in at-risk groups presented at our national conference, and co-led the Standard of Practice in Cardiology for Pharmacy Services which received a citation award.
‘Outside AdPha, he was the first pharmacist to win the Allied Health, Science and Technology prize for best oral presentation at the Cardiac Society of Australia and Zealand (CSANZ). He is a founding member of the Clinical Special Interest Group for the European Society of Clinical Pharmacy, a board member for Safer Care Victoria Cardiovascular Advisory Group, co-creator of the Cardiovascular Dashboard for Victoria and co-author of guidelines for the National Heart Foundation of Australia and Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand.’

Commending Adam for the honour, Renee Dimond FANZCAP (Edu., Paeds), Deputy Director of Pharmacy Clinical Services & Education at Grampians Health in Victoria noted Adam’s influence has extended well beyond the pharmacy profession.
‘Adam’s work significantly contributes to broader healthcare initiatives that will have lasting
impacts on patient outcomes and reinforce the role of clinical pharmacists as essential
contributors to the healthcare landscape.

In his commendation, Dr Jedidiah Morton, Research Fellow, Faculty of Pharmacy and PharmaceuticalSciences at Monash University, noted Adam’s abilities ‘are due in large part to his passion for improving patient care and his phenomenal work ethic.’
‘Adam frames all research questions with a direct concern for realistic and timely improvements in patient care and has little interest in “lofty” science that may publish well but has little possibility of improving outcomes for patients.
‘Indeed, Adam has never once put his career advancement ahead of doing important and robust work; giving back to the research community through training as well as
teaching across numerous advanced pharmacy units.’

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