Added funds to $31 million vaccine campaign to target CALD communities

The government has announced an additional $1.3 million towards its $31 million Covid-19 vaccination public information campaign for peak multicultural organisations to target culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities.

The government is also extending free access to Covid‑19 vaccines to all visa-holders in Australia.

This will include refugees, asylum seekers, temporary protection visa holders and those on bridging visas. People currently residing in detention facilities will also be eligible, including those whose visas have been cancelled.

A major roundtable was held yesterday [4 February] involving more than 50 community leaders to discuss how to best reach CALD communities for an effective and successful vaccination rollout.

A comprehensive plan, including communication activities and community engagement strategies, has been developed in partnership with multicultural specialist agencies and, with advice from the national CALD Communities Covid-19 Health Advisory Group, to reach people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

The campaign will reach Australians through a range of channels including regular website updates, social media, health professionals and community and grass roots organisations, networks, and the media. It includes advertising in 32 languages across radio, print and social media, and will extend to communities that are harder to reach through traditional channels.

Messages will target specific multicultural groups to ensure everyone in Australia has a full understanding of the vaccination program. Many people working in sectors such as aged care will be in the first groups to be vaccinated and are from CALD communities, and it is critical that they receive translated information that is culturally appropriate.

Translated resources have been developed for multicultural communities, including radio and print editorials, a video development guide for community leaders to film their own videos, in-language web content, social media posts, posters, and newsletter articles. The Department of Health’s vaccine hub also has a translation button for 63 languages available on its website and on mobile devices.

The Government is working with SBS to finalise short videos explaining the vaccine rollout in more than 60 languages, and with the Migration Council of Australia to produce an animated vaccine explainer in 29 languages. These products will be provided to multicultural peak bodies and networks and available online.

As more information becomes available through expert medical advice and complete data sets from clinical trials, the Department will provide timely updates through its multicultural channels.

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