Advanced Pharmacy Australia released its 2024 Annual Report this month

AdPha President Advanced Pharmacy Australia released its 2024 Annual Report this month.Tom Simpson FANZCAP (Lead and Mgmt) says the Board’s leadership of the transition to a new brand and trading name defined 2024, generating important conversations among the membership about the evolution of identity.

“Hospital pharmacy has never stood still, and neither can we.”

“How we represent current and prospective members, and how we explain the current
and future impact of hospital pharmacy, is key to strengthening our advocacy,
delivering against our mission and expanding opportunities for our profession.

“Through our new branding we signal where hospital pharmacy is going, rather than
reflecting what it has been. A driving force of hospital-informed change that is
increasingly delivered in diverse care settings.

“This is what AdPha members continue to do so well: work, innovate and deliver safer
and more effective care to Australians, at their most unwell, in and around our

Mr Simpson says beyond numbers, it is the energy of members and measures of
engagement that defines the organisation.

“We are as strong as the projects and platforms that bring us together.

“The 2024 Honour Roll is our largest since its introduction in 2018, totaling almost 400
members who have contributed through state and territory Branch Committees, Specialty Practice Leadership Committees, and groups steering key AdPha programs, projects and events across advocacy, education, workforce development, as well as the Medicines Management national conference.

“Looking ahead, specialisation in our profession will continue, exemplified by our
Specialty Practice program, which now features four specialty groups with
membership of more than 1,000.

“A new blueprint will be born next week when we release the fully revised and updated
Clinical Pharmacy Standards, before gathering for Medicines Management 2024
(MM2024) in Adelaide.

“And we look to the future under a broader and more inclusive banner that embraces
the reality that our collaborative impact extends to pharmacy peers and
interdisciplinary colleagues.”

“The Board thanks every member – at all levels of participation – for a monumental
year, and there is so much more to come.”


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