APC seeks feedback on standards for training

The Australian Pharmacy Council (APC) is seeking feedback on draft accreditation standards for the education programs that will credential pharmacists to work in aged care and conduct medication management reviews.

The APC encourages stakeholders to attend their public forum to discuss and provide commentary on the standards on Wednesday 26 April in Adelaide.

The Department of Health and Aged Care has engaged APC to develop accreditation standards and a new accreditation system that will provide a framework for national oversight of training and credentialing of pharmacists to be eligible to conduct Medication Management Reviews (i.e., HMRs/RMMRs) and to be engaged under the Aged Care On-site Pharmacist initiative.

Under the guidance of an Expert Advisory Group, APC has prepared an initial set of draft standards and an indicative role description that will inform the development of a performance outcomes framework.

This framework will be used by education providers to assess whether a pharmacist has achieved and demonstrated the competencies required to undertake these roles.

You can provide your feedback on the draft accreditation standards and an indicative role description, which the APC will publish shortly. The public consultation will run from mid-April 2023 to early May 2023.

Learn more about the Accreditation Standards for Aged Care and Medication Management Review (MMR) Pharmacist training programs.

Text by: APC. 

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