APP: ‘Amongst the best conferences in recent memory’

More than 6000 attendees came together to refresh, reconnect and recharge at what has been dubbed as “amongst the best conferences in recent memory”: APP2022.

Held on the Gold Coast 24-27 March, APP2022 Convenor Kos Sclavos AM says the conference had “a few key elements, which really made it stand apart”, including offering attendees “practical elements they can apply”.

“This year’s conference focussed on really giving community pharmacists some practical elements they can apply, especially regarding how we adapt and thrive in a post-Covid world,” said Mr Sclavos after the event.

“Based on the feedback I’ve received, attendees appreciated this focus as well, and with over 60 sessions on offer, there truly was something for everyone.”

Other key highlights included the addresses made by the Hon Greg Hunt MP, Federal Minister for Health and Aged Care and the Hon Mark Butler MP, Shadow Minister for Health and Aged Care.

“Minister Hunt addressed medicines affordability and committed to continuing to work towards reducing the cost of medicine for both concessional and non-concessional patients so they qualify for the safety net,” said Mr Sclavos.

“In 2021, almost half of all Australians couldn’t afford to fill their script due to rising health costs, an issue sadly seen by community pharmacists daily as patients struggle with the cost of living.”

Another highlight was the announcement of the Australia Health Minister Young Pharmacist Global Exchange Scholarship, which is supported by the Australasian College of Pharmacy (ACP) and the World Pharmacy Council.

“This once-in-a-lifetime scholarship, an initiative of the Seventh Community Pharmacy Agreement (7CPA), will support one lucky pharmacist to work in community pharmacy in the United Kingdom for a year,” said Mr Sclavos.

Mr Sclavos also said the announcement on Friday (25 March) that the ACP and Guild Learning and Development (GuildEd) had formed a strategic partnership was great news and would deliver even better education and training to the entire industry.

“This change will support pharmacists and pharmacy assistants to reach new heights in their careers through a modernised and diverse education and training offering,” he said.

“I also appreciated the chance to hear the topical presentation from Professor Ross Tsuyuki regarding his research into the full scope of practice from an international perspective as well as hearing how the full scope of practice could be rolled out in a Queensland context,” said Mr Sclavos.

Thanking attendees who took part in this year’s conference, Mr Sclavos said that the date for next year’s APP has been set for 23-26 March 2023, with APP2023 also expected to be held on the Gold Coast.

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