Call for retail leasing industry code of conduct

National retail groups and shopping centre landlords have united in a set of retail leasing principles and calling for the implementation of a national Code of Conduct for retail leasing that assists both retailers and landlords during this period of unprecedented economic turmoil.

The National Retail Association (NRA), Australian Retailers Association (ARA), the Pharmacy Guild of Australia and the Shopping Centre Council of Australia (SCCA) have announced their shared commitment to ensuring business continuity in response to a common set of principles outlined by the Prime Minister relating to commercial leasing.

“We sat down immediately after the Prime Minister’s announcement to come together in good faith and continue our ongoing discussions to ensure landlords and tenants are working together,” NRA CEO, Dominique Lamb, said.

“Pharmacies are under immense pressure as frontline health resources during this COVID-19 crisis, and they need the certainty and consistency that can be provided by this Code,” Pharmacy Guild of Australia National President, George Tambassis, said.

“Our industry has a track record of working together, including on challenging issues, and this is about working together and assisting policy makers in the next phase given our group’s longstanding engagement on retail leasing issues,” ARA CEO, Russel Zimmerman, said.

“Shopping centre owners and retailers have a mutual interest in business continuity and it’s positive to have a unanimous and timely approach to tackle the pressing challenges we all confront in the current environment in a way that is fair and balanced to everyone,” SCCA Executive Director, Angus Nardi, said.

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