Celebrating QLD pharmacy rollout of Covid vaccines

The commencement of Covid-19 immunisations throughout community pharmacies, is being celebrated by the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA).

On 7 June 2021, 49 regional and remote Queensland pharmacies commenced immunising Australians against the Covid-19 virus.

PSA have been lobbying to secure pharmacist involvement in the strategy over recent months and are delighted to see it come to fruition.

“Today is the day that many rural communities have been waiting for, with Queensland community pharmacies able to help vaccinate and protect them against Covid-19,” PSA National President, A/Prof Chris Freeman says.

“This adds to those pharmacists in hospitals, general practice, and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs) who have been involved in the Covid-19 vaccine rollout thus far.

“We are at a critical juncture in Australia’s fight against this deadly disease and pharmacist’s involvement must run parallel with the increasing supply of these highly-effective vaccines.

“Pharmacists around the country are vaccine champions and we are ready to play our part by joining the primary care rollout, emulating Queensland’s lead.”

Victorian Health Minister, Martin Foley says that the state is looking to similarly activate rural and outer suburban pharmacies, where there are currently gaps in vaccine access.

PSA adds that they are dedicated to supporting pharmacists in delivering the Covid-19 vaccine both safely and effectively to the public.

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