Cetaphil launches skin awareness month

Cetaphil, one of the country’s leading sensitive skincare brands, is launching the first ever Skin Awareness Month (1 – 31 October) to raise awareness about the importance of our skin and help everyone avoid sensitive skin issues.

To support the launch, Cetaphil’s the Aussie Skin Sensitivity SENSEus research provides an insight into Aussie skin health sentiment so steps can be taken to re-invigorate the skin as we emerge from life in lockdown.

Lockdown skin is a thing

Currently, dryness is the most common skin condition amongst Aussies (40%) and two in five Aussies (39%) believe dry air and air-conditioning exposure within their home and work environments is having the greatest influence on their skin, regardless of where they live in Australia.

Concerningly, 81% of Aussies think their skin looks unhealthy, largely due to stress (45%), bad diet (42%) and not looking after their skin (41%). This is despite a third (33%) rating the appearance of their skin as more important during lockdown, because of virtual meetings and video calls.

Misunderstanding the purpose of healthy skin

The rise in ‘skineglect’ does not mean an indifference towards the importance of skin health overall. For nine in 10 Aussies (92%) having healthier skin is important. However, they don’t understand how their skin contributes to their overall health (43%).

The main reasons skin health is seen as important is largely because it increases confidence (49%); and makes us look younger and avoid wrinkles (45%). In fact, two in five Aussies believe the sole purpose of skin is to look good (41%), while also acknowledging healthier skin helps their body to function properly.

Dermatologist, Dr Leona Yip says individual skin health is impacted by many factors and an individualised skin regime adapted to your lifestyle and location – which acknowledges the factors that give rise to skin sensitivities – is the key to healthier skin.

“The research showed us that although two in five Aussies acknowledge healthier skin helps their body to function properly, 43% don’t understand how their skin contributes to their overall health.

Our skin performs several essential functions, most notably being the first line of defence against germs. Sensitive skin issues can have such an impact on people’s lives – the health of your skin reflects your overall health; its sole purpose is not just to look good!”

Dr Yip is joining Cetaphil as part of Skin Awareness Month, to empower Aussies to understand five common signs of skin sensitivity caused by our lifestyles and environments – dryness, a weakened skin moisture barrier, irritation, roughness and tightness – so we can select the right skincare regimes to help defend against them and benefit our skin and overall health.

“It’s worrisome to see that skin health appears to only run skin deep for many Aussies, especially when millions are currently battling at least one skin sensitivity, including dryness. Dryness can be caused by many factors from our age to the weather – including the climate in which we live, whether we work indoors or outdoors and our exposure to pollution. However, beyond appearances, dryness can also damage the skin moisture barrier. The good news is it can be easily managed with a regular skincare routine that at the very least includes cleansing and moisturising. It is important to take care of your skin and keep it healthy as you would any other part of your body,” adds Dr Yip.

Skinvestment: what’s the right routine?

While a quarter (24%) of Australians enjoy having a skincare routine and see it as form of self-care, currently, only a quarter (25%) are using a facial cleanser as part of their skincare routine daily, while a third (32%) never cleanse; only a third (34%) moisturise daily and one in five (23%) never moisturise.

However, when it comes to the products we are using, most Australians (73%) are spending the same on skincare in 2021 as they were previously, with ‘skinimalism’ continuing to win over ‘skindulgence’ as nine in 10 of us spend below $50 on skincare per month (86%).

Dr Yip adds, “Investing in your skin health is not about spending lots of money, it’s more important to choose the products that are right for you and for your individual skin sensitivities. Bear in mind your location, particularly the climate and natural elements, the environment in which you work or spend most of your time, and the lifestyle pursuits that you enjoy. All these factors can, and will, have an impact on your skin health and prevention is always better than repair.”

Here are Dr. Yip’s top five tips for defending against five common skin sensitivities:

  1. Weakened skin moisture barrier: It’s important we treat the delicate skin on our faces with care. Rather than weakening your skin’s moisture barrier with harsh ingredients, strengthen it with the nourishing properties of hyaluronic acid.
  2. Dryness: The cause of dry skin can be lack of moisture in your skin or simply the climate you live in, especially cooler, drier weather. Combat dehydrated skin with a nourishing moisturiser.
  3. Roughness: Rough, textured skin can be caused by dehydration of your skin. Eliminate roughness by gently exfoliating then replenishing your skin with a hydrating moisturiser to eradicate dryness altogether.
  4. Irritation: Do you ever experience itchy, inflamed skin? Help prevent this by using skincare products that are sensitive-skin friendly. You can also help prevent further irritation by avoiding overly hot showers and being sun safe.
  5. Tightness: Distressed, sensitive skin can feel taut and tight. Reduce the feeling of discomfort by nourishing your skin with a gentle body wash and moisturiser.

Prepare your skin this Spring

With Summer just around the corner, it’s not surprising that Aussies are starting to think about how best to protect their skin from sun damage. Many are concerned about sun exposure, in fact three out of five (59%) will be more vigilant with sunscreen as more time spent indoors has impacted their skin.



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