Community pharmacists recognised in Queensland Parliament

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s Queensland Branch held its fifth annual Parliamentary Reception at Queensland Parliament House on Wednesday 11 October to celebrate the value of community pharmacy and the positive impact it has on patients across Queensland.

Attendees heard keynote addresses from the Minister for Health, Mental Health and Ambulance Services and Minister for Women, Hon. Shannon Fentiman MP and Opposition Leader, David Crisafulli MP, who both committed their support to community pharmacy.
Acting Queensland Branch President, Mr Rick Xynias, said the highlight of the evening was the recognition from both the Government and the Opposition of the contribution community pharmacists make across the state.

“It was fantastic to hear from both the Health Minister and the Opposition Leader as they outlined their support for community pharmacists and the important role community pharmacy plays in the Queensland healthcare system,” said Mr Xynias.

“Queensland is leading the way when it comes to Full Scope of Practice and we thank the Queensland Government for their foresight in improving patients’ healthcare options with the expansion of the North Queensland pilot to the rest of Queensland.

“Statewide expansion means thousands more highly qualified community pharmacists will be available to safely treat everyday health conditions for all Queenslanders.”
“Community pharmacists appreciate the ongoing support for the Queensland Scope of Practice Pilot from all political parties in Queensland.”

The reception also included an award presentation which honoured Brisbane pharmacist, James Delahunty, with The Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s Distinguished Service Award.
This award recognises, acknowledges and honours a pharmacist and Guild member for their distinguished service to the prof ession of pharmacy.

“James Delahunty comes from a well-known Brisbane pharmacy that has served Brisbane for over 90 years and has himself given over 50 years of distinguished service to the profession of pharmacy, said Mr Xynias.

“James has worked tirelessly and has constantly evolved with changes to pharmacists’ scope of practice and technology to best serve the health care needs to the community.”
“James has consistently demonstrated a dedication to patients and the community and has been involved with voluntary and community work to help those in need.”

Mr Xynias also paid tribute to Paul Jaffar and Emma Fernance, who were recipients of the prestigious Queensland Branch President’s Award.

The Award is the highest honour that The Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s Queensland Branch President can bestow and is designed to recognise outstanding achievements and exceptional individuals for their contribution to community pharmacy.

“Paul Jaffar is a Queensland Branch Committee member who is being acknowledged for over a decade of service to the Guild,” said Mr Xynias.

“Paul is a passionate and enthusiastic community pharmacist who has been a tremendous advocate for the Gold Coast and has driven opportunities for community pharmacy to continue to play an important role in the health system.”

“Emma Fernance is the Queensland Branch Events Manager who has managed Pharmacy Guild national and state-based events for 17 years, including the largest pharmacy conference in the southern hemisphere, the Australian Pharmacy Professional Conference and Trade Exhibition.

“These events are regarded as not only the best in the community pharmacy industry in Australia but are admired as shining examples of professional, relevant, well-organised and facilitated events by industry peers right across the conference community.”
The Pharmacy Guild’s Parliamentary Reception is an annual event to facilitate dialogue among community pharmacy leaders, politicians from all sides in the Queensland Parliament, and broader health sector stakeholders.” said Mr Xynias.

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