Corum Clear update

Corum Group’s flagship new dispense product, Corum Clear Dispense, will be ready for approval by the Department of Human Services next month.

Once approved, Corum will extend live user acceptance testing to a cross-section of its pharmacy customer base ahead of a full commercial launch.

Corum Clear Dispense has been progressively presented to the pharmacy industry via trade events and private workshops with feedback said to be consistently positive.

Designed and developed over the past 18 months in consultation with numerous pharmacies across Australia, Corum Clear Dispense is promoted as targeting optimal workflow, with features including:

  • A dispense system that is fast, simple, intuitive and contextual. It allows community pharmacists to focus their skills on the health and wellbeing of their patients.
  • A dispense platform built for seamless integration of third-party solutions and services accessible from within its own dispense workflow, so pharmacists can quickly access the tools they need.
  • A dispense application designed for the future, which can be easily and continually adapted to the evolving needs of community pharmacy.

In addition to dispensing, the Corum Clear suite of products will include updated point of sale, cloud-based reporting and an expanded toolset of head-office store management features to support groups in achieving greater operational effectiveness for their members.

In parallel with Corum Clear, the company says it remains committed to supporting its existing pharmacy software products, including Corum LOTS and Amfac AWD.

In the first quarter of FY19, Corum will progressively release a significant upgrade to the Corum LOTS and RPM products including new features and enhancements for users, along with a suite of improvements to simplify installation, updates and support.

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