CPC23: Deborah Hawthorne named Inaugural PSA MIMS Consultant Pharmacist of the Year

The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) is proud to announce that Victorian pharmacist Deborah Hawthorne MPS has been awarded the inaugural PSA MIMS Consultant Pharmacist of the Year award at the Consultant Pharmacist Conference (CPC23) in Adelaide.

The PSA MIMS Consultant Pharmacist of the Year Award recognises the outstanding contributions of an accredited pharmacist to consultant pharmacy practice in Australia.

Deborah has achieved a remarkable experience and innovation in her relatively short time as an accredited pharmacist. She currently works as a general practice pharmacist at South Wangaratta Medical Clinic and Docker St Medical Centre.

Deborah is also involved in many projects relevant to the practice of consultant pharmacy, including as a GP Pharmacist Mentor for Brisbane South PHN program and an inaugural member of COHERENT (Consultant pHarmacists’ sERvices rEsearch NeTwork) – research concentrating on Medication Reviews. She is also currently engaged with Yooralla on a project embedding a pharmacist within their health professional teams and works for Beyond Pain, delivering telehealth consultations.

One of Deb’s most valued innovations has been the development of the Facebook group Consultant Pharmacists Australia with over 2,400 members. This community of practice is an active and safe place for discussion for all areas of consultant pharmacy practice. She stimulates discussion on a weekly topic ‘Teaching Tuesday’, engaging consultant pharmacists in

The Facebook group has quickly grown to a significant support group for accredited pharmacists and those aspiring to accreditation. Deborah also is the creator and administrator of Facebook group ‘North East Victorian Pharmacists’.

“Consultant pharmacists have made enormous contributions to Australian health through medication reviews, including in aged care and patients’ homes,” Dr Sim said.

“Deborah has made significant contributions to the development of consultant pharmacy in Australia through her own practice and as a mentor and facilitator of discussions and support.

“Deb is an outstanding role model to all in our profession.

“On behalf of all pharmacists, we congratulate Deborah on her achievements and thank her for her ongoing support of consultant pharmacists around Australia.

The PSA send our sincerest gratitude to MIMS Australia and New Zealand and the CEO and Board Director of MIMS, Robert Best, for sponsoring this award and their ongoing support of the PSA.


Text by: PSA

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