Do you know how much you’re eating?

With many Aussies getting back into a healthy routine after the sweet-filled Easter break, global nutrition and food tracking app, MyFitnessPal is encouraging us to be informed and pay attention to portion sizes.

“As we return to regular eating habits, it’s important to continue to be mindful of what we’re eating and how it impacts our health,” says MyFitnessPal CEO Katie Keil.

Ms Keil says that one way to do this is by tracking our food intake.

“Even just a few days [of tracking] or a week can provide valuable insights into the portion sizes that are right for you, and with this knowledge, you can make informed decisions,” she says.

According to research from MyFitnessPal, when it comes to eating a balanced diet, Aussies could be over-eating as less than one-third (24%) think portion sizes are important. Over one-third (38%) of Australians admit to rarely even reading the recommended serving sizes on a food package nutrition label.

Rather than measuring ingredients or tracking their food intake, time-poor home cooks are relying on eyeballing (i.e. guessing) their portions, according to MyFitnessPal, with 40% saying they use this method. A third of Aussies (34%) surveyed said they find it challenging to determine the appropriate portion sizes when they are cooking or eating.

According to MyFitnessPal, in comparison to other countries surveyed, Aussies are also well behind in getting their recommended fruit and vegetables. Over half of Australians (51%) say they don’t eat enough fruits, ranking behind the UK (48%) and the USA (46%), while a further 45% of Aussies say they are not eating enough vegetables.

MyFitnessPal is a global nutrition and food-tracking app that helps its 200 million members achieve their health and wellness goals. You can track your portion sizes for free by downloading MyFitnessPal on Apple, Google and other Android platforms.

Looking for some cooking inspiration, MyFitnessPal also has over 500 healthy recipes to choose from on the app for those wanting to up their fruit and vegetables and be aware of their portions.

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