Elderly missing out on shingles jab

Media Release

February 3, 2020

Many older Australians are missing out on the chance to be vaccinated against shingles, according to the latest issue of Australian Prescriber. Only about a third of 70-year-olds have had the free vaccination against this relatively common disease.

Professor Kristine Macartney, Director of the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance, says people aged 85 and above have a 50% chance of developing shingles. The vaccine is free for those aged 70 to 79. It reduces the risk of shingles by more than 50% and makes any cases that do occur less severe.

“Most older Australians have had chickenpox at some point in their life, and shingles, also known as herpes zoster, is caused by a reactivation of the chickenpox virus in the body, usually many years later,” Professor Macartney said.

“Someone with shingles experiences a rash, often with pain which can develop into long-lasting, difficult to treat nerve pain. The vaccine reduces the risk of this long-term pain.”

The vaccine has a good safety record in Australia, but it should not be used by people with a lowered immune system.

A new non-live shingles vaccine, not part of the free National Immunisation Program, may potentially be used for people with a lowered immune system. This vaccine is, however, currently unavailable in Australia due to a limited global supply.

To find out more about the shingles vaccination, patients should talk to their GP.

Read the full Australian Prescriber article.

Source: Medianet Release.

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