Greater access to AZ vaccine in NSW welcomed by the Guild

The lowering of the age for patients in NSW to receive the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine at community pharmacies from 40 years to those 18 years and older has been welcomed by the Pharmacy Guild of Australia as a pragmatic step in helping to maximise the uptake of the vaccine in the State.

The NSW Branch President of the Guild, David Heffernan, says the move would see more people able to be vaccinated in pharmacies across the State.

“The NSW Government has arrived at the right decision in regards to making the vaccine more widely available, and it is a significant milestone in encouraging more people to be vaccinated,” says Mr Heffernan.

“Community pharmacies are the most accessible health professionals, and this is an important aspect in encouraging people to get vaccinated.

“They know that most pharmacies are open extended hours and at weekends which makes it far easier to get a vaccination when it suits the patient.”

Mr Heffernan says supplies of the AstraZeneca vaccine were widely available and patients should check with their pharmacy and make a booking.

“The Commonwealth has now allowed all eligible community pharmacies to participate in the vaccination rollout so patients can access the vaccine through pharmacies in cities as well as regional, rural and remote areas,” he says.

“There is no excuse for anyone to delay.

“If you’re over 18, get the vaccine.

“The Guild will continue to work closely with the Government, as it has throughout the pandemic, to help protect communities across the State.”

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