Helping parents get ‘kids smart’ about health and wellbeing

In a bid to encourage families to get ‘kids smart’ about good food, nutrition and overall wellbeing, Nature’s Way Kids Smart has joined forces with Guy and Jules Sebastian to help promote the benefits of their range of Kids Smart vitamins and supplements for children’s healthy growth and development.

The couple will work with Nature’s Way Kids Smart to help spread the message of the numerous health benefits of vitamins and supplements when dietary intake is inadequate.

“Staying healthy is so important for us as a family, which means eating well, exercising and spending quality time together,” says Ms Sebastian, adding that the family practices gratitude “on a daily basis”.

“Before our family dinners together, we share at least one thing we’re grateful for from that day.

“It reminds us all we have much to be thankful for and to keep checking in with each other to stay well.”

Mr Sebastian adds that the couple is “thrilled to work with Nature’s Way Kids Smart … to help parents across Australia understand the benefits for their range”.

“There’s no replacement for a good diet – but having a vitamin supplement as part of your kids’ routine will help ensure they get the vitamins they need.

“Jules and I have been using Vita Gummies for years,” he says.

Nature’s Way Kids Smart has a wide range of children’s vitamins and supplements, starting with drops for infants, burstlets, chewable tablets and Vita Gummies.

The Kids Smart range of products helps support a child’s health, growth and development, immune system health, bone and teeth health, digestive health and cognitive development.

“By working with Guy and Jules, we will be able to help educate more families around the country about the importance of a balanced diet to a child’s health and wellbeing,” says Yasmin Goldsmith, Nature’s Way Senior Brand Manager.

“With the Kids Smart range, parents can feel more confident that their children are getting the nutrients they need to stay happy and healthy when there might be gaps in their nutrition.”

Survey says parents looking to improve kids’ health

Conducted in September 2020, a new online survey of 1000 Australia parents of children between the ages of four and 12 years, which was commissioned by Nature’s Way through Pure Profile, reveals parents have a renewed focus on their kids’ health and wellbeing.

The data shows:

  • Despite changes to routines in 2020, 50% of respondents say they did not allow their children’s nutrition to fall by the wayside.
  • 53% of parents say they haven’t noticed behavioural changes in their children despite the challenges of 2020, with 18% saying they have noticed some positive changes in behaviour.
  • Of those who noticed positive changes, they say their children are:
    • More resilient (51%).
    • Eating more healthily (45%).
    • More curious (42%).
    • More kind and caring (32%).

The survey also reveals to almost half of parents are encouraging their kids to eat better foods to improve their nutrition, with 33% also introducing vitamins and supplements into their child’s diet to help strengthen their immunity.

For more on the Kids Smart range, visit:

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