Limited Ozempic supplies arriving soon at community pharmacies

Limited stocks of Ozempic will become available in community pharmacies across Australia from the end of this month, weeks ahead of the previously anticipated availability date.

However, with stocks expected to still be limited for some time, not every prescription will be able to be filled until supplies return to normal.

National President of the Pharmacy Guild of Australia Trent Twomey said while the earlier-than-expected availability of supplies was welcome, not all patients would immediately be able to access the medicine.

“I urge everyone wanting to have their Ozempic prescription filled at their community pharmacy to be patient as many people will still be unable to have their scripts filled for quite some time,” Professor Twomey said.

“I also advise that patients who have switched to other glucose-lowering medicines during the shortage but still hold a prescription for Ozempic to contact their doctor for advice as to their best course of action moving forward.

“Pharmacists will work closely with patients’ prescribers to ensure the limited supplies are most effectively dispensed.”

Professor Twomey stressed that patients needed to work with their community pharmacists during the time it takes for supplies to return to normal.

“The Ozempic shortage has been an exceedingly difficult time for patients and for community pharmacists and their staff who have helped patients manage their medicine needs during this time.

“Everyone has worked together to get through this situation, and I ask for that co-operation and patience to continue as we get back to a normal supply situation.

“At the request of the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), community pharmacists will prioritise dispensing for the most needy and urgent cases, and those patients who have been unable to switch to other medicines during the Ozempic unavailability.

“In the meantime, the Guild has requested that wholesalers distribute stock fairly, and that priority be given to regional, rural and remote Australia.”


Text by: The Pharmacy Guild of Australia

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