Loneliness: A public health issue

While the holiday period is exciting for many, for some it can trigger feelings of loneliness and isolation, and it’s important to look out for the vulnerable during this time.

New research by headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation reveals that almost two-thirds of young people say they feel lonely or left out.

The survey also reveals:

  • 62% of young people aged 12-25 feel left out often or some of the time.
  • 60% of young people lack companionship often or some of the time.
  • a majority of young people feel isolated from others often or some of the time (58%).

Young women are more likely to feel greater feelings of isolation from others (62%) compared to young men (53%).

Feelings of isolation were also higher among LGBTQIA+ young people (77%), and young people living in regional parts of Australia (62%).

‘A public health issue’ 

headspace CEO Jason Trethowan says loneliness is a public health issue that needs attention.

“While we’ve largely moved past the direct impacts of lockdowns and prolonged restrictions, we’re finding many young people are still feeling cut off from the world and struggling to re-establish relationships,” says Mr Trethowan.

“Even though it can feel difficult to re-enter school, work or social environments, we know that remaining active in our communities and with our hobbies protect mental health and well-being.”

Mr Trethowan says that ‘social isolation is a risk factor for mental ill-health’.

“Young people who tell us they are lonely are also more likely to be experiencing psychological distress,” he says.

“Some people who experience loneliness might also experience anxiety or depression. Loneliness can also impact our physical health, interrupting sleep or contributing to the overuse of alcohol and other drugs.

“It’s important to start small and get support to return to the things we love and the things that are important to us.”

Mr Trethowan says that the message to young people is that they’re not alone – professional services like headspace are here to help and provide support.

“There are people waiting to help and support resources available now,” he says.

“Talk with someone about how you’re feeling, whether that’s a family member or friends – or a professional service like headspace.”

Anyone in need of support is encouraged to visit their local headspace centre.

Support is also available via headspace’s phone and online counselling service seven days a week between 9am–1am (AEST). The number is 1800 650 890.

If you’re looking for someone to talk to immediately, Lifeline (13 11 14) and Kids Helpline (1800 551 800) are available to talk 24/7.

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