Medlab to distribute cannabis meds abroad

Australian life sciences company Medlab Clinical is preparing for international distribution of its cannabis-based medicine, NanaBis.

After signing a heads of agreement with fourth largest Canadian generic pharmaceutical company, Pharmascience, in March this year, Medlab Clinical has now signed an HoA with Mega Lifesciences Public Company Ltd for the distribution of NanaBis in parts of South America. Headquartered in Bangkok, Mega Lifesciences Public Company has a presence in 33 countries.

NanaBis is in the second stage of a clinical trial at Sydney’s Royal North Shore Hospital where it is being used for pain management with seriously ill cancer patients.

In the trial, NanaBis is being delivered through a back-of-cheek spray by NanoCelle, Medlab’s nano-particle medicine delivery system.

NanaBis is available for use under the federal government’s Special Access Scheme and is currently before several regulatory agencies for potential fast track drug approval pathways.

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