Minister thanked for strong pharmacy support

The Tasmanian Branch of the Pharmacy Guild thanks Premier Jeremey Rockliff, for the strong support he has shown community pharmacy owners and their staff during his time as the State’s Health Minister and welcomed the appointment of the highly regarded and hard-working member of the Liberal parliamentary team, Guy Barnet to take over this important portfolio.

Branch President, Helen O’Byrne said, “We have had opportunities for dialogue in the past with Minister Barnet and he has always shown a keen interest in community pharmacy and the role of pharmacists in the provision of healthcare.”

In thanking Mr Rockliff for his work as Health Minister, Ms O’Byrne said his willingness to meet, discuss and act on the issues impacting community pharmacy in Tasmania has ensured the role of pharmacists has expanded substantially in providing health care services to their local communities.

“The Guild is confident that the strong relationship we have with Premier Rockliff will remain as he continues in his important roles of leading Tasmania’s government and as Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing”, Ms O’Byrne said.

“As Health Minister, Mr Rockliff has been willing to listen and assess each issue on its merits”, Ms O’Byrne said. “He understands that community pharmacists are highly trained health professionals who can safely and effectively deliver a range of services to the community.”

“Tasmania’s community pharmacies are now able to provide a wide range of vaccination services and have delivered well over 300,000 COVID-19 vaccinations to date.

“We have no doubt that the findings of the pharmacists’ scope of practice review, to be delivered to the Health Minister in the coming weeks, will highlight further services we could and should be able to provide to our local communities”, Ms O’Byrne said. “Mr Rockliff’s delivery on his government’s election promise to conduct this review is much appreciated.”

“Mr Rockliff’s introduction of Tasmania’s “no script no stress” initiative is nation-leading and allows community pharmacists to assist hundreds of Tasmanians every day to access their medication – easing pressure on GPs and ensuring patient safety.

“As well, community pharmacists’ are now able to administer injectable medications and vaccinations that are prescribed by a doctor to patients – again easing pressure on both GPs and Hospital outpatient departments.

“The Guild is ready to work with Minister Barnet to build on these initiatives and we look forward to meeting with him as soon as possible”.

Text: Pharmacy Guild, Tasmanian Branch. 

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