New lung health clinic open in Sydney

A new lung health examination clinic has opened in Sydney.

Opened by Insurance and Care NSW (icare), the new Dust Disease Care Health Screening Clinic offers lung health examinations to employers, workers and retirees who have had exposure to hazardous dust in an NSW workplace.

The service facilitates vital early identification of dust diseases, monitoring of disease progression, and provides education to at-risk workers about personal protection against dust disease.

“The lung health examinations this state-of-the-art clinic will provide to people who’ve been exposed to hazardous dust are life-changing,” Richard Harding, CEO and Managing Director of icare said.

“Better case identification is the key to enabling early intervention which is critical to ensuring better health outcomes for workers exposed to dangerous dust.

“We are now able to have our DDC [Dust Diseases Care] team all working together at icare’s headquarters, which will bring us even closer to those we serve, and help ensure that we are offering them the best lung health monitoring services.”

icare, through Dust Diseases Care, offers financial support to those diagnosed with a disability from a dust disease and their dependents, in addition to medical treatment and services such as walking aids, home modifications, and at-home nursing care.

There’s also vocational re-training, so those diagnosed with a disability from dust disease are able to leave the industry if they choose and embark on another career.

The Dust Disease Care Health Screening Clinic is located at icare’s headquarters: 321 Kent Street, Sydney.

For more information, visit:

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