Page announced as new PSA Victoria President

The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) has announced the election of Dr Amy Page FPS as President of PSA’s Victorian branch.

Dr Page is a consultant pharmacist and has served on the PSA Victoria branch since 2017 including as Vice-President. In 2015 she was also awarded a Fellowship of the PSA.

Page is recognised as a national expert in the quality use of medicines, with her research and clinical practice focusing on older people with multimorbidity, polypharmacy and dementia. She was one of Australia’s first pharmacists to practice in a GP clinic, championing non-traditional practice settings and interprofessional collaboration.

As a clinical pharmacist and researcher, she leads the development of innovative projects that engage multidisciplinary teams and bridge the gaps between clinical practice, research and education to improve outcomes for patients. Her current work is building capacity and support for pharmacists as they transition in to new roles on-site in residential aged care facility.

“I’m very excited to have the opportunity to lead Victorian pharmacists,” Dr Page said.

“It’s an exciting time to be in pharmacy.  Pharmacists have opportunities to work in a range of different practice settings and play a greater role in the health and wellbeing of our communities.

“The Victorian Government announced a trial allowing pharmacists to prescribe antibiotics for urinary tract infections (UTIs) and medicines for other conditions, giving our profession the opportunity to take the first steps in practising to top of scope.

“I’m excited to have a greater role in supporting PSA to be the home of accreditation, giving accredited pharmacists the opportunity to achieve the best results for our patients. The 2023 Consultant Pharmacists Conference (CPC23) in May will be a fantastic opportunity to connect with accredited pharmacists from around Australia and learn from one another.”

PSA National President Dr Fei Sim FPS congratulated Dr Page on her election, and acknowledged John Jackson for his service as Victorian President.

“I’m very proud to have Dr Page stepping up to lead Victorian pharmacists,” Dr Sim said.

“Dr Page has been heavily involved in PSA for many years, and brings a wealth of experience to role especially during such an exciting time for pharmacy.

“PSA is very thankful to outgoing Victorian President John Jackson MPS for his dedication and service to Victoria’s pharmacists.”


Text by: The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia

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