Pharmacists reduce medicine harm in Residential Aged Care by 50 per cent

The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) has today joined pharmacists and researchers from the University of Canberra this morning to launch the findings of the Pharmacists in Residential Aged Care Facilities (PiRACF) study.

PSA National President Dr Fei Sim FPS celebrated the release of PiRACF study final report, which will have a meaningful impact to aged care residents across Australia as the Federal Government begins implementation of the On-site Pharmacists in Aged Care Program from 1 July 2023.

The study found that on-site pharmacists in Residential Aged Care reduced inappropriate medicine use by 50 per cent, significantly improving patient safety and reducing pressure on aged care nurses and staff.

“Pharmacists have again shown the importance of our roles in facilitating the quality use of medicines wherever they are used,” said Dr Sim.

“To have a health system that is functioning for the safety of patients, we need pharmacists wherever medicines are administered.”

As a key collaborator on the project, PSA was proud to partner with UC to further train pharmacists and prepare them for roles in aged care. Prior to commencing in facilities, on-site pharmacists undertook online training in clinical topics that they were likely to encounter in aged care, such as pain management and the behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia.

“PSA proud to have supported the PiRACF study as a key education and training provider for pharmacists.

“We were able to provide pharmacists participating in the program with the essential support and high quality training they needed to succeed and best help aged care patients.

“PSA is excited to play a significant role in the national roll out of On-site Aged Care Pharmacists this year, and we will continue to work closely with government to advocate for pharmacists in every RACF in Australia.

“Thank you to the University of Canberra and the PiRACF study team for their nation leading work with on-site Residential Aged Care pharmacists,” Dr Sim concluded.

For more information on the University of Canberra PiRACF study, visit


Text by: PSA

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