Prescription kiosk enables anytime collection

A pharmacy in the UK has installed a prescription collection kiosk that enables customers to collect their medication 24/7.

Reported in Express & Star, Cornwell’s Chemists in Great Wyrley sees patients opting to use the MedPoint kiosk.

The kiosk acts like an ATM machine that can order their prescriptions as normal from the pharmacy.

The patient receives a unique code by SMS once their prescription is ready for collection.

The collection point is highly secure with integrated alarms and CCTV. It is also s temperature controlled to ensure medicines are stored safely.

Great Wyrley Pharmacy Pharmacist Manager Pritpal Grewal is quoted as saying: “Whether you’re collecting your own or a family member’s medicines, the new machine gives customers the freedom to decide when they want to come to the store and not be constrained by our opening times.

“It will allow us to provide the best possible access to patients in the new normal we are faced with over the next 12-18 months.”

Jonathan Mitchell, owner of Cornwall’s Chemists, says the new state of the art machine offers a very convenient collection option, reports Express & Star.

“It helps in the fight against Covid, maintains social distancing and is a continuation of Cornwell’s Chemists mission to deliver outstanding customer service.”

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