PSA Annual Report FY 2023-24 released

The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) has released its 2023/24 Annual Report, marking a significant period of growth for both the organisation and the broader profession.  Among PSA’s key achievements is the signing of the first Strategic Agreement on Professional Pharmacist Practice with the Australian Government, acknowledging pharmacists’ critical role in healthcare and providing a framework to further empower their expanding scope of practice.

The Agreement recognises PSA’s role as the peak body for all pharmacists across all areas of practice, and further articulates a shared goal between our beloved profession and the Commonwealth government on empowering pharmacists’ role in primary care.

With a renewed focus on medicines safety, PSA continued to elevate professional standards, publishing reimagined Professional Practice Standards and the 26th edition of the Australian Pharmaceutical Formulary, APF26. These initiatives, combined with targeted training and practice guidance, have equipped pharmacists across Australia with the tools to meet the rising demands of their expanded roles.

Throughout the year, PSA advocated vigorously for state and federal reforms to extend pharmacists’ scope of practice. Achievements include launching new pilot programs in community pharmacy, such as the Queensland Scope of Practice Pilot and various initiatives to enable pharmacists to manage conditions like urinary tract infections, provide vaccinations, and support chronic disease management.

Much of the work on Pharmacists in 2030 was undertaken in the 2023-24 financial year, including a series of targeted consultations with members, health sector stakeholders, and consumers. The result was a forward-thinking vision launched at PSA24 by Minister for Health and Aged Care, the Hon. Mark Butler MP in August.

Reflecting on the year, PSA National President Associate Professor Fei Sim said she feels enormously proud of what the profession has achieved, with PSA supporting it along the way.

“Through a turbulent year, our focus has remained firmly on giving our members the professional resources, practice support and education they need to not only survive, but thrive in an expanding profession,” Associate Professor Sim said.

“I encourage all pharmacists to become PSA members – the more pharmacists who are members, the more PSA can do to support the profession with high level advocacy, but also at the grassroots level with professional development, education and practice support.

“As we look to the year ahead, there is more work to do. I am excited for the future of the profession and realising the benefits of the foundations laid over the past 12 months.”

PSA CEO Adjunct Associate Professor Steve Morris said he remains optimistic about the role PSA plays in the pharmacy sector.

“PSA’s success over this year reflects our commitment to advocating for and supporting pharmacists at every stage of their careers,” Morris said.

“PSA has achieved strong growth in key metrics, including total membership and increased revenue driven through our projects and partnerships despite a challenging economic environment.

“I am proud to lead the organisation through this period of stabilisation, maturation and growth. I would like to take this opportunity to recognise the collective contribution of the whole PSA team around the country during 2023/24 financial year for their work in supporting PSA members. I also wish to thank Fei, the National Board, branch committee members and others who have contributed to the considerable output of PSA.”


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