PSA-credentialed pharmacists gain new official post-nominals

The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) today announces new professional post-nominals for members who have achieved Medication Management Review (MMR) and Aged Care Onsite Pharmacist (ACOP) credentials through PSA training programs.

PSA is committed to elevating professional practice and ensuring pharmacists are recognised for their additional skills and qualifications. The new post nominals enable members to display their advanced practice credentials in a way that validates their expertise and commitment to high-quality patient care.

Credentialed pharmacist post-nominals provide visible acknowledgement of the advanced clinical skills and area of specialisation, enabling pharmacists to be readily recognised as key players in multidisciplinary teams.

Post-nominals are linked to the members current PSA postnominal MPS or FPS, followed by CredPharm with the appropriate credentials in brackets. For example, a PSA Fellow who has achieved their MMR credential would use post nominals FPS CredPharm (MMR).

PSA’s Consultant Pharmacists Community of Speciality Interest Chair Deborah Hawthorne FPS CredPharm (MMR) is excited that members are now able to have their credentials recognised through the addition of post nominals.

“Our credentialed pharmacist workforce is a really passionate and skilled group of professionals. It’s critical for them to be able to have their expertise recognised by all members of the care team, Ms Hawthorne said.

“It’s also important that they’re easily recognisable to consumers – we’ve done a lot of advocacy work with consumer groups recently and for them to have a way of knowing that their pharmacist is qualified and part of a practice community that drives innovation and career-long learning is essential.

“These post nominals will go a long way to driving public trust and confidence in our credentialed pharmacist workforce,” Ms Hawthorne concluded.

PSA National President Associate Professor Fei Sim FPS said the recognition of PSA’s credentialed pharmacist members through post nominals is the next logical step in support for credentialed pharmacists.

“PSA is the home for credentialed pharmacists, as the only organisation with a track record of consistent support, training and advocacy for credentialed pharmacists across all areas of practice.

“We have a long and proud history of advocating for credentialed pharmacists and are focused on how we can continue growing and supporting this workforce.

“PSA is committed to supporting credentialed pharmacists in a way unmatched by any other organisation at present. I am proud that PSA continues to be the home for credentialed pharmacists,” Associate Professor Sim said.

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