Research: Sleep issues may lead to productivity issues in workplace

A new study by Flinders University reveals insomnia leads to significant workplace productivity losses among younger Australians.

Using data from the West Australian longitudinal Raine Study Generation 2 cohort, which included 554 workers aged 22 years, the study found that total workplace productivity loss was up to 40% greater among 22-year-olds with clinical sleep disorders compared to their peers with no sleep disorders.

“This is equivalent to total workplace productivity loss (followed up on multiple occasions across 12 months) of about four weeks for young people with clinically significant sleep disorders, compared with less than one week for those without,” says Flinders University Associate Professor in Clinical Sleep Health Amy Reynolds, who led the study published by the Medical Journal of Australia.

“The Raine study previously showed that about 20% of the young adults surveyed had a common clinical sleep disorder, so this work eventuated because we wanted to know how much of an impact these disorders have on workers in their workplaces.

“The take-home message is just how prevalent sleep disorders are in young adults, and that these disorders are having an impact on our young adults and their workplaces.

“By middle age, it’s obstructive sleep apnoea that’s more prevalent, so it does change across the lifespan.

“But in young workers, it is insomnia which is more common, rather than other sleep problems, and is driving productivity loss.”

Associate Professor Reynolds, a provisional psychologist with the Insomnia Treatment Program at Flinders, says the productivity loss is largely driven by ‘presenteeism’.

“So, they’re at work, but they’re just not working to their best capacity or potential.”

Supporting the management of sleep disorders is a priority for researchers at the Flinders Health and Medical Research Institute Sleep Research group,  formerly the Adelaide Institute for Sleep Health

Senior co-author Professor Robert Adams and colleagues are focusing on giving GPs in primary care the ability to access appropriate, evidence-based care and resources for sleep disorders across all sectors of the population.

Supporting young people to access CBTi (cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia), for example, can reduce the need for prescribing sleeping tablets or other interventions which may not tackle long-term sleep problems.

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