Shot in the arm Australia needs

A new report has been launched at Parliament House, showcasing the need to reform Australia’s National Immunisation Program (NIP) to protect older Australians from disease.

According to the report by GSK Australia, ‘Risk to Resilience: A roadmap to vaccine access for older Australians’, reforming the NIP has the potential to be the shot in the arm Australia’s health system needs.

The report demonstrates the value of increased Australian Government investment in innovative vaccines and better access through a redesigned NIP focused on older adults.

Data shows the greatest benefits would be felt by regional Australians, low socio-economic groups, and the people of South Australia and Tasmania.

“The NIP has been providing funded vaccines to Australian babies and children for decades and has achieved remarkable results with diseases like polio, measles and rubella almost eliminated,’ says Professor Robert Booy, Honorary Professor of Paediatrics and Child Health at the University of Sydney.

“We know what works, let’s use the NIP to remove known barriers to vaccination for Australian adults like accessibility, affordability and awareness.

“Let’s ensure all Australians have access to the latest innovations that will keep them living well for longer and benefitting the community, health system and economy.”

Dr Sarah Chu, an Australian GP with an interest in preventative health, says that ageing well shouldn’t be determined by where you live or your income.

“Preventive healthcare in Australia shouldn’t be seen as a luxury,” says Dr Chu.

“By improving vaccine access for Australian adults, we can bridge the gap between health and wealth and ensure a healthier future for all.”

GSK commissioned Clarivate Health Sciences to conduct a detailed analysis, mapping federal electorate divisions by four factors that may make people more vulnerable to preventable disease and subsequent poorer health outcomes.

Factors included age, income, education and co-morbidities.

Dr Alan Paul, Country Medical Director at GSK Australia, says that identifying the electorates at greatest risk of preventable disease will help governments and the health sector focus their efforts where they will have the greatest impact.

“Our health system and economy face once-in-a-generation challenges, and policymakers are considering the reforms and investments needed to secure Australia’s future,’’ says Dr Paul.

“With our ageing population and the challenges of increasing productivity, preventing disease has never been more important.”

As well as identifying barriers to vaccination, the report calls for governments to partner with industry, technical experts, healthcare professionals and consumers to:

  • Reform reimbursement systems and processes to recognise the value of vaccines and disease prevention. This includes pathways to support faster access to appropriate vaccines for Australians where there is a need and recognising the health outcomes and subsequent productivity gains that accrue over a lifetime.
  • Prioritise adult vaccination in the delivery of the NIP, drawing on the success of the childhood vaccination experience. This includes a new adult immunisation schedule, awareness and communications activities, boosting the accessibility of vaccinations, and defined immunisation rate targets.

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