South Australian pharmacists welcome oral contraception access

The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) welcomes the announcement of oral contraceptive pill resupply services through South Australian community pharmacies from May 2024.
Announced by SA Health Minister Chris Picton MP today (April 11), the Community Pharmacy Oral Contraceptive Pill (OCP) Resupply Services Scheme authorises appropriately trained pharmacists to resupply certain oral contraceptive pills to South Australian women* aged 17 to 50.
It is a requirement that the requested OCP was initiated by a medical practitioner or other authorised prescriber, and the patient has a history of stable continuous use for a minimum of 2 years prior to resupply through community pharmacy. Medicines included in the protocol include low and standard dose estrogen, and progestogen only contraceptive pills.
PSA South Australia and Northern Territory President Dr Manya Angley FPS said the move secures timely access to care for thousands of women.
“Improving the accessibility to and continuity of contraceptive medicines is essential to empower women to manage their reproduction. This program will make oral contraception more accessible to more South Australian women, particularly those in regional and rural areas,” Dr Angley said.
“Pharmacists are also some of the most accessible health care professionals, giving consumers safe, and equitable access to quality health care and advice as well as provision of medicines, now including approved oral contraceptive pills.”
Dr Angley said that pharmacists can now complete PSA’s Contraception Essentials online training module in preparation for the program’s start on 6 May 2024.
“PSA’s Contraception Essentials online training program is open for enrolment to support pharmacists with the required approved, high-quality education ahead of the program’s start.
“I strongly encourage all South Australian pharmacists to complete the PSA training program now so that services can be delivered immediately,” Dr Angley said.

* These services are inclusive of transgender, gender diverse, intersex or non-binary people assigned or presumed female at birth.

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