TGA advises on vaccination advertising

The (TGA) says it wants to remind immunisation providers, including pharmacists and pharmacies, of the strict controls around the advertising of vaccination services, including information given to the public about vaccines.
All vaccines for human use are classified as schedule 4 (prescription-only) medicines in the Poisons Standard.
The TGA recommends that advertisements should inform the public that:

  • The vaccine is either a “trivalent vaccine” or “quadrivalent vaccine”.
  • Vaccines are free for people in high-risk groups identified in the National Immunisation Program.
  • People in high-risk groups should seek advice from their medical practitioner.

When advertising vaccination services, advertisements should avoid:

  • Information that might enable consumers to identify the vaccine or the manufacturer/s of the vaccine/s given in the service.
  • Statements or representations that harmful effects will occur from not receiving the vaccine.
  • References to any misleading therapeutic benefit of a vaccine (for example, a use that is not a TGA-approved indication for the vaccine).
  • An indication that the vaccine administered as part of the service is superior to other vaccines.
  • Portrayals of the vaccine or service in a way that trivialises or conflicts with public-health policies or misleads consumers in any other way.
  • Price comparisons.
  • Incentives to encourage the consumer to obtain the service or vaccine; or
  • Any other claim that promotes the use or supply of the vaccine.

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