TGA update on antibiotic shortage

As reported by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) there are currently shortages of some antibiotics in Australia.

These antibiotics include amoxicillin, cefalexin and metronidazole.

The shortages are said to be due to manufacturing issues or increased demand.

The TGA says that, as a priority, they are currently facilitating the supply of alternative medicines, with many of these medications having alternatives available.

“We recognise the importance of antibiotics in treating patients and continue to facilitate the supply of alternative medicines as a priority,” the TGA says on their website.

While the TGA expects that the shortages will resolve in the next few months, due to “ongoing global constraints”, it’s predicted that there may be shortages of some products until the end of the year.

In the meantime, the recommendation is that patients speak with their pharmacist or doctor as soon as possible about alternatives if they’re unable to fill their antibiotic prescription.

“Your pharmacist or doctor may be able to give you a different brand. Where suitable Australian-registered alternatives are not available, the TGA has taken action to approve overseas-registered alternatives,” the TGA says.

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