Vale Ross Brown AM FPS ​

The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) has paid tribute to Ross Brown AM FPS, PSA’s second National President (1979-1980), who sadly passed away over the weekend.

Mr Brown also served as councillor on PSA’s New South Wales Branch for 40 years, was one of Australia’s highest ranked Army Reserve officers, and a former Director and Deputy Board Chair at Australian Pharmaceutical Industries (API).

Since his registration in 1952, Mr Brown dedicated much of his time to developing Australian pharmacy into what we know it as today, pioneering the use of computers in Australian pharmacy when he oversaw the installation of the country’s second ever IBM 360 computer at Australian Pharmaceutical Industries Limited.

​PSA National President Dr Fei Sim FPS paid tribute to Mr Brown.​

“Ross Brown was an inspiration, he set the foundation for the PSA during his years as our National President and we will always remember the significant contribution he has made to PSA and the profession more broadly.

​‘He is widely recognised as one of the greatest modern contributors to the combined development of pharmacy professional services, corporate pharmacy, military pharmacy and academic pharmacy in New South Wales and Australia.

​“Ross was a tireless advocate for our profession, his support instrumental to the success of the University of Sydney’s Pharmacy School and the Pharmacy Practice Foundation as well as the establishment of the Ross Brown (AM) Scholarship for elite athletes studying pharmacy.

“On behalf of all pharmacists, my deepest condolences are with the Brown family, their friends, and many colleagues around Australia,” Dr Sim concluded.



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