Victorian Pharmacy Brokers and Attain join forces

Pharmacy brokerage companies Attain and Victoria Pharmacy Brokers have announced they are joining forces.

Attain Business Brokers and Victorian Pharmacy Brokers, who deliver business brokering services in retail pharmacies, have announced that the companies will merge on the 31st of March, 2023.

Victorian Pharmacy Brokers offer services across Victoria, Tasmania, and southern New South Wales. Well-established in retail pharmacy brokerage, the company has operated since 1991 under principal Ken Green and Paul Meehan, who joined Victoria Pharmacy Brokers in 2007.

Attain Business Brokers was formed in 2008 under Frank Sirianni, who has 40 years of experience pharmacy industry experience. Natalie Sirianni now operates as the Director of Attain. Attain offers business brokerage services specialising in retail pharmacy and is licenced to sell businesses in all states in Australia.

In a statement released announcing the merger, the companies said they are looking forward to the future ahead and will continue to deliver services to the pharmacy industry.

“We are very excited to announce that commencing 31 March 2023, VPB and Attain are joining forces to continue their exceptional service to the pharmacy industry by providing experienced and specialised pharmacy business sales advice.”

“VPB and Attain aim to provide the highest level of service during the process of buying and selling a business, and we are excited for the future ahead.”

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