Western Sydney’s largest race

At 6.30am on Friday, September 21 more than 500 nurses, doctors, teachers, sporting celebrities and business leaders will gather in Parramatta Park, western Sydney, to participate in the Coleman Greig Challenge, the area’s largest charity race.

The challenge involves participants coming together to run, walk or cycle around  Parramatta Park to raise funds for Westmead Hospital neonatal unit, St Gabriel’s School for children with special needs and the Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children (RIDBC).

To date, the challenge has raised more than $584,000 for children with special needs and for newborn care.

Those attending will include former Olympian Jana Pittman, blind cricketer Matthew Cameron, participants, and representatives from Westmead Hospital, RIDBC and St Gabriel’s School.

The race starts from the Old Government House, Parramatta Park (entrance from Pitt Street, Parramatta).

For more details, visit: www.colemangreigchallenge2018.gofundraise.com.au/

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