Another step forward in assisting people with a disability

Victoria has reportedly taken another step forward in assisting people with a disability find the allied health services and allied health professionals they need, with the launch of the new free website, My Allied Health Space.

Reportedly, the free website was set up to provide information, tools and training resources to ensure that people with disabilities can confidently choose the allied health services needed to improve their skills and independence over time.

Funded by the Victorian Government as part of the $26 million NDIS Keeping our sector strong: Victoria’s workforce plan for the NDIS, the website is also expected to provide a range of useful resources for allied health professionals to help them upskill in this area.

Allied health professionals will be able to access a range of online implementation tools and training resources, such as a self-assessment tool with links to resources and professional development guidelines, an organisational checklist for service managers and allied health educators with links to resources and e-learning packages, and reference documents that outline behaviours for each capability in the new Allied Health Capability Framework.

“Through the guidance offered by the Allied health capability framework: disability and complex support needs – and these new implementation and training tools available via My Allied Health Space – allied health professionals will be able to better provide high-quality, person-centred support that promotes choice and control for people with disability,” says Victoria’s Chief Allied Health Officer, Donna Markham.

The free website was developed by a consortium, led by Associate Professor Libby Callaway from the Monash University School of Primary and Allied Health Care.

“Achieve best outcomes, choice and control for people with disability was the overarching goal of this work,” says Associate Professor Callaway.

“The tools and training resources provided on the My Allied Health Space website are aimed at assisting both those people using allied health services, and the allied health professionals who provide them.”

The website has been developed with the invaluable input from people with disability, allied health educators and researchers, community-based clinicians who work with people with disability across all ages and settings, the Major Victorian Health Network Peninsula Health, experienced disability service provider Yooralla; and digital design educators from the Monash Centre for Professional and Continuing Education and the University of Melbourne Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning.

To access the new site, visit:

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