Bee stings found to be the most venomous in Australia

Although Australia is well known for having some of the most venomous animals in the world, it is the humble bee that is responsible for the most venomous bite and sting hospitalisations in the country, according the latest report by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW).

The `Venomous bites and stings, 2017–18 report showed that over 3,500 Australians were hospitalised due to contact with a venomous animal or plant in 2017–18 and that more than a quarter (26% or 927 cases) of these hospitalisations were caused by bee stings.

“Australia is home to some of the most venomous animals in the world—including spiders, ticks, and 20 of the 25 most venomous snakes in the world. The majority of hospitalisations for bee stings were due to allergic reactions, with bees and wasps responsible for 12 of the 19 deaths related to venomous bites and stings in 2017–18,’ says AIHW spokesperson Professor James Harrison from the AIHW’s National Injury Surveillance Unit, based at Flinders University.

Spider bites accounted for one-fifth (19% or 666 cases) of all venomous bite and sting related hospitalisations. Of those 666 cases, redback spiders were responsible for 42.5% (283 cases) of hospitalisations, followed by white-tailed spiders (38 cases), and funnel web spiders (25 cases).

The type of spider was unknown in just under half of all cases (45% or 300 cases).

Venomous snakes were chiefly responsible for 17% (606 cases) of hospitalisations due to venomous bites and stings in 2017–18, with the type of snake unknown in around one-third of those cases (34% or 208 cases).

Brown snakes accounted for 36% (215 cases) of hospitalisations due to venomous snake bites, followed by black snakes (83 cases) and tiger snakes (65 cases). Of the 19 deaths recorded in 2017–18, 7 were attributed to venomous snakes.

“Alongside land-dwelling animals, Australia also has some of the world’s most venomous marine animals, including the Irukandji jellyfish,” says Professor Harrison.

Contact with venomous marine animals accounted for just under 400 hospitalisations and 0 deaths, with stinging fish (including stonefish and stingrays) responsible for 320 hospital admissions, followed by jellyfish (73 cases).

The rate of hospitalisations for all venomous bites and stings varied by states and territories across Australia. The highest rate occurred in the Northern Territory (31 cases per 100,000 population) and the lowest in the Australian Capital Territory (nine cases per 100,000).

“Residents of the `Very remote’ regions of Australia had the highest rate of hospitalisations (49 cases per 100,000) while the lowest rate was observed for residents of the `Major cities’ of Australia (nine cases per 100,000),’ says Professor Harrison.

Another AIHW report also released today, `Boating and watercraft-related injury in Australia’, found that 2,670 people were hospitalised for watercraft injuries in 2017–18. Passenger ships and fishing vessels were common types of boats related with watercraft injury.

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