Covid-19 vaccine rollout strengthened in rural areas

Selected rural and regional community pharmacies will begin playing a crucial role in Australia’s Covid-19 vaccine rollout.

In upcoming weeks community pharmacies will be the first to be brought on board following a proposal to do so from the Queensland Government.

It was agreed in a recent national cabinet decision that individual States and territories can choose to incorporate community pharmacies into their roll-out plans in rural and remote areas.

Up to 56 locations have been identified by the Queensland Government where community pharmacies could be activated to vaccinate Australians.

The locations involved have undertaken a robust Expression of Interest assessment process.

As additional vaccine supply is delivered over the coming months, additional community pharmacies will be brought in, to support an enhanced primary care roll out.

Community pharmacy will play an important role in the ramp up of the Covid-19 vaccine in the second half of the year.

Bilateral discussions are ongoing with states and territories for additional engagement of general practices and community pharmacies.

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