Directory puts pain services on the map

Health Minister Greg Hunt launched Painaustralia’s National Pain Services Directory at Parliament House this week.

More than 200 specialist pain services across Australia are in the directory, enabling better access to best practice pain management for millions fighting pain.

“Most of the 3.2 million Australians living with pain don’t receive best practice treatment,” Painaustralia CEO Carol Bennett said. “Many rely solely on opioids and other medicines that bear their own

“This directory provides a much needed, easy to navigate way for those in pain to find pain specialists and clinics across Australia, greatly increasing awareness and access to better treatment options as supported by the National Strategic Action Plan for Pain Management.”

Minister Hunt says support for the directory is further evidence of the Morrison government’s commitment to a healthier Australia.

“Chronic pain is an escalating health issue and carries a significant economic burden, both for affected individuals and the national health system,” he said. “The National Pain Services Directory will make it easier for people to access more than 200 pain treatment services, and ensure they’re able to receive treatment that is appropriate and effective for their needs.”

The directory is a resource developed with the support of the federal government as part of a commitment to invest a record $6.8 million to improve understanding of pain.

“Ensuring timely access to high quality, multidisciplinary care is essential for the large number of people who are living with chronic and persistent pain in Australia,” Australian Pain Society President Dr Anne Burke said. “People need the right care, as close to their home as possible, so they can get back into the driver’s seat and take control of their lives.”

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