Fitness and fundraising challenge for heart research

This October why not challenge yourself, your teams and your community to get out and get active, all in the name of lifesaving heart research.

October is the Heart Foundation’s MyMarathon month – a month-long fitness and fundraising challenge that supports you to complete a marathon while helping raise funds for vital heart research.

Your can walk or run 42.2km either on your own or as part of a team with your friends or colleagues, and whether you choose to run it in a day, a week or spread it out across the month, MyMarathon is the fundraising race where you set the pace.

And while lockdown measures in some parts of the country may make it a little more challenging to get out and about, the beauty of MyMarathon is that you can take part anywhere – from your backyard to your local park.

For more information and to sign up to the challenge, visit:

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