Geeveston pharmacy assistant to represent Tasmania’s PATY

Pharmacy assistant Amy Peatling from Geeveston Pharmacy, south-west of Hobart, has been chosen to represent Tasmania at the national finals of the 2018 Pharmacy Guild of Australia/Maxigesic Pharmacy Assistant of the Year (PATY) Award, now in its 12th year.

PATY judges picked Ms Peatling from 13 other state finalists at the Tasmania workshop this week where each participant demonstrated their pharmacy knowledge and showcased their skills in customer service and leadership.

“I wasn’t expecting my name to be called but I’m very humbled,” she said. “PATY has been a really great experience so far and I’m really excited to be the Tasmania winner.”

Award sponsor AFT Pharmaceuticals General Manager Australia Calvin MacKenzie said: “Congratulations to Amy for her achievement as the state winner. I am certain she will represent Geeveston Pharmacy and Tasmania with great pride.”

The Tasmania winner of the Glucojel Super Star Award was also announced at the workshop.

“I would like to acknowledge Rebekah Fleming from Riverside Capital Chemist [Launceston] for being granted this award for outstanding customer service skills in community pharmacy,” Pharmacy Guild of Australia Training Manager and national PATY judge Deborah Scholz said.

The national PATY finals will be held at the 2018 Pharmacy Assistant National Conference on the Gold Coast on October 26. The national winner will take home more than $10,000 in cash, prizes and rewards.

Ms Fleming will be in the running for the Glucojel Super Star national title, also to be awarded at the conference.

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