How successful pharmacies are increasing customer spend and profitability

When Coorparoo Discount Pharmacy owner Sophie Ligouras attends Reed Gift Fairs, she does so not only to choose an amazing range of complementary retail products for her store, but it also gives her an opportunity to get out of the pharmacy and clear her mind.

Sophie is just one of a growing range of successful pharmacy owners who have realised that by looking outside of the traditional products marketed to pharmacists, she can increase customer spend and boost profits.

In an age of online shopping and competitors that rely on heavy discounting, pharmacies can no longer rely on their core products and services to attract and retain customers.

Instead, they must look beyond the usual beauty and cosmetic offerings, to expand their retail range with products that enhance existing lines, appeal to their specific customer demographic and have higher gross margins.

With over 800 exhibitors, Reed Gift Fairs hosts the largest annual, national collection of wholesaling brands and products in Australia. It’s the perfect one-stop destination allowing pharmacy owners hands-on access to products not routinely accessible or marketed to the industry.

Since attending Reed Gift Fairs, Cleveland TerryWhite Chemmart owner Toan Nguyen said, “Customers have positively embraced our expanded offer and continue to support the updated seasons and ranges we introduce.  The combined effect is higher average spend and even higher growth in profitability.”

Reed Gift Fairs is a trade only event held in Melbourne on 4-8 August. Admission is free upon validation of the necessary trade credentials and completion of the registration process. Visit for more information.

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