Learn the point of digital

One hundred small businesses from diverse sectors across Australia will be chosen to undergo a digital transformation valued at up to $20,000.

Community pharmacies are ideally placed to take part in the federal government’s Small Business Digital Champions Project, in which selected businesses will receive the hardware, software and digital-skills training required to become successful in the digital initiatives.

Fifteen of these businesses will be selected to become a ‘Digital Champion’ to undergo their transformation in the public spotlight as part of a program to create relatable, real-time case studies to inspire and inform small-business owners across Australia about how to go digital.

Pharmacy Guild Victorian Branch President Anthony Tassone says he believes there could be significant merit in having community pharmacy represented among the small-business champions.

“Community pharmacies have shown themselves to be early adopters of technology and are well placed to show a leadership role in digital enablement”, he said.

“The timing couldn’t be better. The Pharmacy Guild has just released a Framework for Change as part of our Community Pharmacy 2025 project, with a key focus on digital enablement for the benefit of pharmacy businesses and patients.

“Many pharmacies across Australia are already integrating health records into clinical practice, and utilising digital platforms to improve medication advice, management and safety.”

Launching the initiative on Tuesday (December 11) in Melbourne, Minister for Small and Family Business, Skills and Vocational Education Senator Michaelia Cash said 3.3 million small businesses will have the opportunity to be part of a nationwide mentoring program to transform and grow their business through improving their digital capability.

To find out more about this initiative, visit the government’s website here.

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