Magic Hearts for Ukraine campaign

The organisers behind a new campaign, the Magic Hearts for Ukraine Project, are calling on children across Australia to take part by sending one million Magic Hearts with messages of love and support to fellow children affected by the war in Ukraine.

With millions of children displaced as a result of the war, the not-for-profit children’s mental wellbeing organisation, The Magic Coat Foundation is seeking ways to help and support the children affected by the war.

The Magic Hearts and tribute messages will be paired with a copy of a new book: ‘The Magic Coat for Ukraine’, which has been translated into Ukrainian and offers coping strategies for young people to process the trauma they have experienced.

Magic Coat for Ukraine is based on the popular book ‘The Magic Coat – Creating Calm, Confident and Caring Kids’, which was written by The Magic Coat Foundation’s CEO, Di Wilcox for Australian children ages 2-11 to assist them to recognise and manage emotions.

The Ukrainian edition includes a new character, The Magic Heart, which appears on every page and is designed to let Ukrainian children know they are loved, wherever they are.

10,000 copies have already been printed in Poland and distributed by volunteers in Ukraine, Germany, Poland, and other neighbouring European countries.

The book is now being used by parents, teachers, and psychologists on the ground to teach the children important strategies to help them cope with the devastating challenges they are currently facing.

“I have seen so many people emotionally affected by the atrocities in Eastern Europe wondering how they can do their part. I just knew there had to be a way to establish a connection between these people and the young victims of war, so we started the Magic Heart for Ukraine project,” Ms Wilcox said.

“We are so well supported by volunteers in Poland, Germany and surrounding countries who are working within the community and so far have been able to see 10,000 letters and books reach children in need.

“This is just the beginning, and we are desperate for more help so that we can make a difference for an even greater number of children.”

How you can help 

Every donation will help The Magic Coat Foundation raise the funds to reach the target of one million books to help the refugee children.

To donate, please visit The Magic Coat – Creating Calm, Confident and Caring Kids | Magic Coat.

The Foundation says 100% of the money raised by the campaign will go towards printing costs for the book.

In addition to producing more books, The Magic Coat Foundation is encouraging children across Australia to create their own Magic Heart and write a message to a child in Ukraine to let them know they care.

To participate, Magic Hearts can be uploaded via the Magic Heart for Ukraine page at

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