MedAdvisor’s flu campaign

MedAdvisor will launch a consumer awareness campaign to highlight the benefits of flu vaccination, targeting busy consumers between the ages of 18 and 64 years, of whom as few as one in five were vaccinated in 2017.

The campaign involves the launch of a dedicated website that allows consumers to search for MedAdvisor network pharmacies offering flu vaccinations and make an instant booking.

“We believe the convenience of having a flu jab in a pharmacy offers significant benefits for busy Australians, but awareness is still lacking, with data showing only 13 per cent of flu vaccinations take place in a pharmacy,” MedAdvisor CEO, Robert Read said.

“With 400 pharmacies listed so far on the MedAdvisor flu website, we are confident the upcoming campaign will drive awareness of vaccination services in pharmacies and increase the overall number of Australians who will get vaccinated this year.”

This campaign follows the launch of the new Health Services Hub within the PlusOne pharmacy software, which offers an end-to-end solution for pharmacies to find, invite, book in customers and record their vaccinations all from the same place.

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