Monthly dosing of Opdivo available on PBS

Bristol-Myers Squibb has announced that patients undergoing immuno-oncology (IO) treatment will now have access to a monthly dosing schedule of Opdivo (nivolumab) via the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) for a range of cancers.

Effective from this month, the PBS listing will provide healthcare professionals with the option to prescribe Opdivo as a flat dosing schedule of 480mg every four weeks, providing convenience and flexibility for patient care.

Prior to this listing, healthcare professionals only had the option to prescribe Opdivo as a two-weekly dosing regimen (3mg/kg every two weeks).

Bristol-Myers Squibb Australia and New Zealand Medical Director Melinda Munns says that this PBS listing will hopefully address challenges in the delivery of clinical care.

“Monthly dosing is expected to shorten patient waiting times, reduce costs and fit more easily into patients’ schedules away from the clinic, which can help reduce the burden on patients’ lives,” said Dr Munns.


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