New SHPA leadership team

Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia (SHPA) President, Professor Michael Dooley, is stepping down from the role after four years, with SHPA board member Peter Fowler named as his successor.

Pharmaceutical Society of Australia National President Dr Shane Jackson congratulated Professor Dooley on his inspiring leadership, under which investment in the hospital pharmacy sector had been strong.

“Michael is a passionate leader who has inspired countless hospital pharmacists, technicians and pharmacy assistants to build their professional skills and give patients the best possible care,” Dr Jackson said.

“He leaves a proud legacy of a growing and engaged hospital pharmacy sector with a focus on the future.

“Peter has extensive experience in the public hospital sector in Tasmania and I congratulate him on his new role.”

Dr Jacinta Johnson was named as the new SHPA vice president and David Brennan as the new treasurer.

Dr Jackson said Dr Johnson was named this year’s PSA Early Career Pharmacist of the Year for her “outstanding leadership among early career pharmacists, which I’m sure will serve her well in her new role”.

He added he was looking forward to working with Mr Fowler, Dr Johnson and Mr Brennan in 2019 to continue developing new opportunities for pharmacists to be appropriately recognised and remunerated for their expertise.

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